Aesthetics: A Fictional Narrative

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It seemed that he wasn’t for allowing her to do as she pleased. A slow, playful smirk crossed her lips as she heard his commanding tone, his grip on her wrists only caused a warmth of excitement to race through her. Oh how she desired to feel every inch of him inside her, thriving and thrusting until they were both broken from such a ravenous affair. His controlling personality was so exciting for Kate; she was almost tempted to do something else to be reprimanded. The feel of a man so much stronger than she was thrilling, but the way he acted? He was causing her to become slick without even touching her. Kate was learning something new about herself; she enjoyed the way she was relieved of control. In her life, everything was placed on her shoulders. Finally, in this moment, she felt as if nothing was hers to control, there was no worry or concern, she was just following his orders. …show more content…

He was everything she desired, and more. It felt like she’d finally found someone to satisfy her needs, and that was saying something. “Then you will have to take care of me,” Her voice was tender, almost a soft, playful way of defying his words. As much as she enjoyed his control, she would need to get used to being able to completely accept it. After all, something like that needs more trust. A soft, cry of pleasure ebbed from within her as she felt the warmth of his finger slide into her. Almost immediately, her hips began to rise up toward him, her body clearly approving of his actions. The feeling of his fingers against her back put the woman at ease, enjoying every moment of his

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