Aerospace Physiology Essay

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The military is not all about going to war. When considering joining the military most people tend to think that automatically means you will be fighting for your life, much like in the video games. In reality the military offers a plethora of jobs, many of which do not require you to kill or be killed. One of these jobs in particular is a training specialist or instructor in aerospace physiology. In the career of aerospace physiology you have the opportunity to be a leader and the lives of others may be in your hands. You are required to have a high school diploma or GED with 15 college credits. There are quite a few responsibilities that come with this job. You are working in the area of research and development and clinical hyperbaric treatment …show more content…

At different altitudes the body may react in different ways (“Aerospace Physiology”). This is why it is important that your education focuses mainly on human anatomy. Some helpful courses to take in high school for this career would be biochemistry, microbiology, calculus, or anything related to the human body and mathematics. As for post-secondary education majors in aerospace physiology and medicine, cell physiology, or cardiovascular science will be very helpful to your success in this career (“Cardiovascular Science …show more content…

Annual pay in the Air Force ranges from around $17,872 to around $87,732 (“Enlisted Pay”). As for advancement opportunities the Air Force is the only service that gives accelerated promotion for those who agree to enlist for six years. Under this program, enlistees begin as an Airman Basic (E-1), are promoted to Airman (E-2) when they graduate basic training, and then are advanced to Airman First Class (E-3) when they graduate technical training, or 20 weeks after graduation from basic training, whichever happens first (Powers, Rod). The great part about the Air Force’s accelerated advancement is that you are ultimately guaranteed your first few

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