Advantages And Disadvantages Of Workplace Diversity

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A person waked up in the morning, had corn flakes in breakfast, dressed up and drive AUDI A5. And when he went office, he see that there are many other employees are totally looking like him or having same story means same age, waked up in the morning had cereal, drive Audi A5 and dressed up in same way as he did. Then it seems like every one is he, just name is changed. So in this kind of workplace diversity is important. Diversity can be anything, it can be age, gender, religion, socio-economic background, religion, socio-economic background. And now a days it is very popular in work place especially in developed countries like United States of America (USA), United Kingdom and Australia. Australia by itself is very diverse country and it needs diversity in its workforce for presenting itself. According to department of immigration and citizenship it help the organisation in developing relationship with community because when organisation deal with its employee it come to know about them and their work efficiency or if they need any help ore support then it will provide them. For example some Asian nationalities require English language support on job. Which help organisation as well as employees, beside this, there are other advantages too. Sometime workplace face some problems if culture diversity is not present so there are some strategies to curb that problem.
Advantages of diversity
1 Multiple prospective
Employees from different background can think on different aspects of any decision in organisation (global post). And they will help the organisation that whether this is good for it or not. For example from last many years sale of Pepsi has been decreasing in China only due to a single reason , and that is, i...

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...ple then he/she will remain on job as long as he/she wants it does not matter either you are 17 or 70. Thing that matter is your mind set toward diversity and ability to come up in different diverse level. Because if you take initial step there will be also some initial steps from another side.

ats media. 2011. Let's Get Together! Communicating Respect in a Diverse Workplace. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 Mar 2014].

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