Advantages And Disadvantages Of Granite Aggregates

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Granite aggregate is hard rock of granular structure which is crushed, it is very common on earth. Granite rock is made by magma which erupted on the ground surface and then hardened as it cooled down. It has sound properties which makes it the most popular building material and it is regarded as the best aggregate for high-grade concrete. Granite is also used as a decorative stone, it can be of different colours such as grey, red or pink. It comes in different shades, it gets a beautiful smooth surface after it is polished. Granite mostly consists of feldspar, mica crystals and quartz, the content of which affects the colour and the shades of the stone.

Fractions of granite aggregate and their applications;
• 0-5 mm (granite sand): Granite of this fraction is used for road construction, decoration, paving paths and also used for …show more content…

Fractions of gravel aggregates are 3-10 mm, 5-20 mm, 5-40 mm and 20-40 mm.

3. Limestone aggregates
Limestone aggregates are produced by the crushing of sedimentary rock precisely limestone, which comprises mostly of calcite (calcium carbonate - СаСО3).
Limestone aggregates, usually called lime or dolomite aggregate, is one of the main types of aggregates that apart from the gravel and the granite types is used in the construction of roads and in production of reinforced concrete objects.

4. Secondary aggregates

Secondary aggregate comes from the crushing of construction waste which is concrete, bricks, and asphalt. This type of aggregate is made with the same equipment like other types of aggregates.
The main benefit of secondary aggregate is that it is inexpensive, in fact it is two times cheaper than the granite aggregates. Power input for its production in comparison to other types of aggregates can be up to 8 times lower. The prime cost of concrete in which secondary aggregate is used as a large filler is a quarter

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