Adult Zebrafish: A Case Study

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The adult zebrafish pectoral fin is comprised of endochondral and dermal bone, forming the proximal and distal radials, and the fin rays, respectively. The transgenic Tg(fli1a:eGFP) line can drive eGFP expression in blood vessels during embryogenesis. In addition, eGFP is expressed in the pectoral endoskeletal disc (ED) but absent in distal posterior chondrocytes. An enhancer within the mouse Hoxa11 intron, m-Inta11 that drives reporter expression in a subpopulation of hoxa13/hoxd13a-expressing cells in the larval pectoral fin has recently been identified. Beginning at 52hpf, the activity of m-Inta11 correlates with the absence of fli1a reporter expression in the distal posterior ED. This complementary expression pattern persists throughout

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