Acceptance Of Emotions In Michael Curtiz's Casablanca

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Casablanca (1942) is an American romantic drama film that was directed by Michael Curtiz.Set during world war two, the story focuses around the life of Rick, who is an American expatriate who runs a nightclub in Casablanca. In a series of events, he comes into possession of extremely important letters with evidence related to the war. In a cruel fate of irony, his ex-lover comes to Casablanca with her husband in search of the letters and to escape to America. IIsa, the woman Rick loved more than anyone else then comes to him and asks for the letters, this causes a spiral of emotions in Rick as he still loves IIsa but holds anger towards her for leaving him. However he then learns the truth as to why she ran away from him in the first place, without ever contacting him again. As the truth comes out, he realizes that he must put his feelings aside and see IIsa and her husband to safety as the Germans are after them. In the end, IIsa leaves safely with her husband and Rick says goodbye to the only woman he has ever loved. …show more content…

IIsa must give up her love for Rick to be with her husband, whom she had thought originally to be dead. Victor, her husband ends up understanding that IIsa is still in love with Rick, even though she told him otherwise and accepts this, but takes her away for her own safety. The moral ideology that love means sacrifice is prevalent throughout the whole storyline, as everyone sacrifices something important to them. The story of Casablanca is one filled with this ideology, sacrifice is a central theme throughout the whole film. It is a key component as it shows different sides to the characters involved and creates depth to the overall

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