Acceptance Of Death Essay

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Death is like a heartbeat, it continues to beat without you thinking about it. It is the same with the way you breathe, constantly happening unaware of itself. Death is a realization of all things that kept you there. There is no question of death but rather a question of life. We see this as a symbolic representation of human intervention and that dying is a terrible and corrupt thing. Acceptance of death is the true symbolic nature of being able to look death right in the eyes and say I am ready. This is the opportunity presented by death, this beautiful event where death and life come together. The true reason we die is to understand what life is truly about. If we were granted immortality we would realize that is not the way in which we want to live. What is the point in which we have children? We have children so that we can live on in another way by passing …show more content…

The whale is considered to be death as it has the color of the devil and all bad spiritual implications that come with it. Rather than be frightened by this incredible yet fearless creature we find ourselves against the devil and fighting to gain hold of the true meaning of life. The whale is a symbol of hope for the oppressed as a brute force that awakens the revelation of the true meaning of death. To fear the inevitable, is but a lack of respect for the true meaning of life. Becoming one with death creates a superficial being that believes he has immortality when in truth he is a common occurrence of the creation of God. Cleansing of the world is brought through death; the very influence death has on an individual can provide insight on how they will live their life. Death is the beginning of something new and the end of something

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