Death Is Going To Die Soon Persuasive Speech

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Death is something that kisses almost everyone at one time in their life. Either one of your grandparents die, one of your parents die or a beloved friend dies. You are always told by your parents to wear your seatbelt when you are in a car so you don’t get in a car accident and die. Also, you are told to eat all your vegetables so you can be healthy and not die, because death is a scary thing. There comes a time when death doesn’t start to feel so scary, like when you are old. When you’re old it doesn’t feel so scary because you’re starting to hit that age that signals that it’s the end of the circle of life. You’re born, you grow old, and then you die. This is a simple fact of life. It’s expected that someone of that age is going to die soon. …show more content…

Feelings of suicide and depression can be hard to deal with, especially if you cannot talk about them or express them. Imagine your brother has terminated his life already and then one of your best friends also commits suicide. Think about the sadness you would have if your brother killed himself, furthermore, image that you can’t go cry to your parents, you can’t show any emotion other than happiness, because everybody is under constant suicide watch. Your friends, your family, nobody under 18 can show feelings of sadness to anyone or they will call the Program on you, and you will get put into a 6 week long treatment to get rid of your depression. The thing is, you don’t come back home the way you left. All your memories are gone. This is the way that Sloane and James live in the book called The Program by Suzanne Young. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24, the sad thing is, is that this is a problem that people don’t take seriously enough. Attempted suicide is most often dismissed as someone trying to get attention rather than a cry for …show more content…

Even though things don’t seem to be working in their favor, they manage to work everything out and put an end to the Program. They meet new friend, and join the rebels against the program that they didn’t even know existed prior to this just trying to escape. Suicide is a serious thing even if you think that it is cowardly and selfish you should at least try to say one nice thing to someone every day, because sometimes people don’t show the warning signs and they are hiding that they are suicidal. That one nice thing that you say to someone could change their whole day. Just one person saying “I love your eyes” or “I think you are really smart” could stop someone from hanging themselves after school. You have to remember prevention is knowing, so all parents, all teachers, all students, should know the warning signs to suicide. As humans we think that if we ignore a problem that it will go away. Suicide isn’t like that and we shouldn’t ignore it, because prevention is knowledge. If we have knowledge about suicide then it is less likely for someone to do it. Finally, you should never, ever, ever, keep a secret that could save someone’s life. Life is precious and is why we always wear our seat belts in a car and eat all of the spinach on our plate even if it is disgusting. It is because life is

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