Abstinence is the Best Way to Prevent Abortion

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“Statistical studies have repeatedly shown that people’s views on abortion are best predicted by their opinions on sex and “family” issues, not on “life” issues like nuclear weapons or the death penalty.” Willis, page 513.

Women have many reasons for not wanting to be pregnant so they seek abortions. Many of these reasons are related to being mentally unprepared. One main reason why women get abortions is unintended pregnancy. A woman between the ages of 18-25 would consider abortion because she may have plans for her future that does not allow her at the present time to care for a child. This leads to not wanting the responsibility of parenthood.

Another reason is a woman’s marital status. A couple who is married and financially stable the woman in that relationship is more likely to not have an abortion other than a couple who is just a young and dating and not living together. This is because they maybe think that they are too young and not mature enough to raise a child at the moment. The woman may also be afraid of future problems in the relationship and wants to avoid single parenting. Most woman wait until they are in a supportive relationship with their partner so that the child has both parents.

Families also play a major role in a young woman’s decision for the abortion. The young woman may feel pressured into having it done, most likely from her father. Thoughts of physical abuse from a parent and the fear of being tossed out into the streets by her parents after learning she became pregnant may lead the young woman into getting an abortion. Many young mothers do not manage to get the education and employment necessary to raise their child above poverty line. Also, the young woman’s family may already presently be struggling to support the family as it is.

The economic status of the woman’s decision for the abortion is very high. They may feel that spending a couple hundred dollars in getting this procedure done would be less costly than to raise a child for the eighteen years. Not having health insurance is also another important situation for the abortion. Without health insurance, it would be very costly for the woman just because she needs regular doctor’s visits occasionally during and after pregnancy for her and the child. The hospital fees are fairly expensive as well.

The decision to have an abortion procedure done should be up to the woman herself.

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