Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Analysis

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Prejudism lives everywhere, and it will not go away. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian focuses on the whites prejudice against Indians and the Indians against the whites. One for the statement of Indians against whites is when Rowdy hates Jr. for going to a white school. This quote “So what was I doing in a racist Reardan” shows how they are treating people who are not white. Later when Jr. went to the new school he was insulted proving that white’s believed that they were superior. Though going through school again they started to respect him. Showing that they learned before they judged. Sadly the indians did not feel the same way as they viewed Jr. as a traitor. Jr. Made the basketball team and got to his first game against …show more content…

A black man being tried for raping a white women. You can guess what happened, Guilty. The fact that makes it horrendous is when you find out all the things they did to frame an innocent man, and still call him guilty even when he was proven innocent. He was claimed to have held down and punched Mayella repeatedly in the face. Although proven impossible by this quote “ He got it caught in a cotton gin, caught it in Mr.Dolphus Raymond's cotton gin when he was a boy. Like to bled to death...tore all the muscles loose from his bones-” He had lost his arm in a cotton gin accident when he was a child making it almost impossible for him to hold down Mayella and punch her at the same time. Sadly the jury decided that if he was strong enough to work the way he does with one arm then he can surely beat and rape Mayella. Once being judged and call guilty, Atticus was gonna still fight. Tom know he would not win, so while being transferred he tried to run. He died with multiple gunshots to his …show more content…

Not the pretty stuff like just being locked away for a few weeks. Then doing hard labor like some others. This book shows what really happens. How the family is not even able to know why they were taken. It is not just jews, there were gays, cross dressers, the handicap and old. Especially the important people that worked at universities. Some make it seem like the train was the worst part. It seems like it would be considered they were trapped in a closed car for weeks on end with no food,water or fresh air. Sadly it was not even the labor. They were put to do so much work that it is sickening.No breaks,working in the freezing weather or the scorching sun. Small rations not big enough to be the size of your palm. The worst part can not even be the disease that spread like wildfire. Everywhere you turn something new just killed your new neighbor in the camps. Disease and malnourishment was the main causes of death yet they can not even compare to what is about to be said. The worst thing imaginable was the emotional scarring. One moment you were sleeping in your bed then you were taken to some foreign place and forced to do work to eat. You watch member after member of your family die off. Separation often happened during movement. Being a young child and having to hold your dead mother's hand because she gave you her food so you could survive. Imagine the pain of that, and as a child

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