Absent from Learning

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Kayla is a third grade girl. She has 3 older siblings and 2 younger siblings. All are currently in the school system. All 7 students suffer from the same problem; they are constantly absent from school. Kayla’s grades have plummeted. At the beginning of the school year Kayla was an average student with areas of concern in reading. She showed documented progression in her Dibels and Weekly tests. In November, Kayla’s dad lost his job and has had little luck finding a long term position. He tries to find jobs in neighboring towns. Kayla’s mom has picked up a position at the neighborhood steakhouse/bar. She now works nights. There have been signs of alcohol abuse by dad and the older siblings are responsible for getting the younger siblings to school. Kayla and her siblings have all been referred to the Student Assistant Team (SAT). The team is wondering if the surge of absences this semester will have a long term effect on Kayla and are trying to decide what if anything they can do for her or her siblings. This scenario is not uncommon for many districts. Absenteeism has become an epidemic that is getting out of control. Many districts are now finding that the absent children are not just affecting the outcome of their grades but can also affect their peer’s grades, teacher’s plans, and standardized testing results. Why are children absent? There are four main variables for absences in school. Those factors include family, school, economic and student variables. As Kayla’s life, family problems can change the dynamics of a situation. There is an apparent lack of parental supervision of the children. Other family problems can include drugs, alcohol, mental illness and domestic violence. All of these can stop a... ... middle of paper ... ...rnor Heineman Signs Bill Updating Nebraska Truancy Statutes. May 11, 2011. Retrieved November 29, 2011, from. http://www.governor.nebraska.gov/columns/2011/05/11 Heineman, Governor Dave (2011). Back to School. Retrieved December 1, 2011, from http://www.governor.nebraska.gov/columns/2011/08/12_back_to_school.html Magee, Maureen. (2010). Sign On San Diego. School Absenteeism has its Costs. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/aug/28/school-absenteeism-has-financial-social-costs/ Scotts Bluff Star-Herald (2011). Kearney Hub. Truancy Solution. Retrieved November 30, 2011, from http://www.kearneyhub.com/news/opinion/article_d9ded5ee-c751-11e0-88c5 SDA Public Schools (2011). Importance of School Attendance and Being to School on Time. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from http://www.sdarockets.org

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