Abraham Lincoln's Presidency

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Abraham Lincoln was very much found of learning new things and due to which, he had many political and professional experiences before he became the president of the United States. When he moved to Salem, he became very popular among the people due to his humble nature. To take his career to next level, he announced his candidacy in 1832 by publishing a letter in the Springfields Sangamo Journal ( McGovern 21). Announcing the candidacy, gave Abraham Lincoln a good sense of leadership and helps increase his interest in politics. Moreover, he used his leadership skills to suppress the riots caused by the Black Hawk Indian tribes, as he had no military experience. Lincoln participated in the very first election in his life at the Salem’s state …show more content…

This act authorized the production and distribution of the paper money (McGovern 119). Furthermore, to secure the government income, the Internal Revenue Act was passed in 1861. This act was the first federal tax in the history of the United States and provided the a reliable source of income to pay the interest on war bonds (McGovern 119). In 1860, the Morrill Tariff Act was passed to collect tax on all the dutiable items that are brought into the United States. This Act also protected many industries including steel, iron, minerals and fisheries (McGovern 119). In Order to encourage the implementation of national currency, the National Banking Act of 1863 was also enchanted during the 1864 (McGovern 119). Furthermore, for the proper utilization of the public lands for the small farmers, the congress passed the Homestead Act of 1862 (McGovern 120). The far most important act that was passed during Abraham Lincoln’s first term was the Morrill Land Grant Act. This act helped in the establishment of the State university system throughout the Mideast and West (McGovern 120). And during Lincoln’s second term, the Pacific Railway Act of 1862 and 1864 was passed which helped in the communication and transportation sector. As the construction of a railroad and the telegraph line was done from Omaha to Sacramento for the movement of passengers and mails (McGovern 121). Moreover, he also issued a Proclamation of Amnesty and reconstruction of the war affected southern areas. These reforms were created to help in the reconstruction after the

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