Abortion Is Wrong Persuasive Speech

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The killing of an innocent human being is wrong ,even if that child has yet to be born. Every 4 ½ minutes a child is born. Yet every 4 minutes 9 terminations occur. 1.2 million abortions happen every year , Can americans continue to allow this?Abortion is not only wrong its scandalous! If young women believe they're ready to become sexually active she must undeniably be ready to deal with her accidental blunder,unless shes smart and uses protection.

24% of world wide pregnancies are from sexual abuse. Of that 24% ,more than half of those females terminate the pregnancy. Females need to think before they make that kind of decision ,teenage young ladies believe that they are not physically and mentally ready for a child so decide to terminate it. Why not put it up for adoption instead of getting rid of a child that a quarter of the world desires? did you know that 23% of females in the world can't have children?! I bet they would die to have yours.Why not give it up to a married couple thats ready for an infant?Yes you may over think the fact of giving up your child after you have carried it for 9 months and went through many difficulties for that creation,but ask yourself this…should this child be part of your life unwanted? …show more content…

Child support,sectionate ,DYFS ,and or court notices. What teenager wants to go through all that when their will come a time when you can deal with those things. Us as humans have different stages for different things. 13-18 you should be enjoying yourself ,you're not a teen forever .19-26 are your grown up years. Get your permit ,a car ,job ,and a roof for you to live under. Then if you feel as if you're ready for a relationship make sure you're wearing the best protection ,a wedding ring. Dont ruin your life because you don't know how to live it

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