Abnormal Psychology: Borderline Personality Disorder

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Introduction: Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology studies unusual patterns of behaviour, thought and emotions .It is a branch of psychology which may or may not be understood as precipitating a mental disorder. Although much behaviour can be considered as abnormal, abnormal psychology generally deals with behaviour in a clinical context. Psychotic Disorders There are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal perception and thinking. People who are psychotic lose touch with reality. The main symptoms are hallucination and delusion. A behaviour change includes the following: 1. Social withdrawal from society 2. Anxiety or agitation 3. Depersonalization 4. Loss of appetite 5. Worse hygiene 6. Disorganized speech and behaviours 7. Catatonic behaviour …show more content…

Anxiety and its effects on day to day life. 2. Self mutilation behaviour, constant feeling of self harm. 3. Damage in interpersonal relationship. 4. Feeling of emptiness. 5. Extreme anger and its repercussion. 6. Substance abuse and irrational behaviour. 7. Impulsive behaviour such as in crime, sex without even thinking of consequences. 8. Suicidal thought and how these attempt affect other family member. BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Borderline personality disorder is also known as ‘Emotionally Unstable’ personality disorder –impulsive or borderline type or emotional intensity disorder is a cluster B personality disorder. The essential features include a pattern of impulsively and instability of behaviours, interpersonal relationships and self image. The pattern is present by early adulthood and occurs across a variety of situations and contexts. Other symptoms include fears of abandonment, intense anger and irritability, the reason for which others have difficulty understanding. People with borderline personality disorder often engage in idealization and devaluation of others, alternating between high positive regard and great disappointment. Self harm, suicidal thoughts and substance abuse is

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