Reflection On Abnormal Psychology

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During this course on abnormal psychology, our class learned about psychological disorders and varying types of abnormal psychological functioning. Our textbook explored these disorders and relayed well-rounded information. In our online classroom, we watched several films and discussed questions related to each chapter’s content. I learned quite a bit from this coursework and it promoted me to think more deeply about the topics at hand. This course helped me to focus in on what within psychology I would like to pursue and learn more about. In addition to that, this online course also aided me in developing my time management and writing-on-demand skills. All in all, I enjoyed this course and feel I have gained quite a bit from it.
Our textbook …show more content…

I really enjoyed the group discussions, as well, and I sort of wish there was even more of a focus on them. Reading my peer’s perspectives and contributing my own thoughts about their posts helped me to consider the subjects from different angles and challenged me to think about the topics more discerningly. There were quite a few times where, after responding to my peers, my original post felt narrow in scope. That give-and-take process helped me to develop and clarify my …show more content…

I think it is important, and even more so after this course, to look holistically at psychological conditions and states and at the interactions between biological, cognitive, social, and environmental factors and how they contribute to psychological health or disorder. I have become particularly fascinated by the concepts surrounding the biopsychosocial perspective and of psychoneuroimmunology. The latter is extremely interesting and seems potentially revolutionary in how we conceptualize or utilize the mind-body connection. I now intend to take more advanced classes related to that as I progress though my academic career. I also hope to take classes and learn more about developmental psychology and social psychology. Stemming from these personal interests, although the text and some of the films did expound on this, if there is anything I wish the course had gone over more it would be related to exploring in even greater depth how culture and environment can shape psychology both cognitively and physically. Understanding and researching the multitude of components involved in overall health would benefit and contribute significantly to public health policy, I believe. This course did, however, provide a good foundation to pursue further knowledge

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