Abercrombie And Fitch Controversy

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Having a good reputation as a business is very important, and being voted “America’s Most Hated Retailer” is a sign that your company’s reputation is just downright awful. A recent article from CNN Money found that “Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) scored the lowest on the American Customer Satisfaction Index for the retail industry. The company scored a 65, almost 10 points below the entire sector's overall score” (Vasel, 2016). Abercrombie and Fitch didn’t always have such a bad reputation though, in fact they used to be one of the most popular retail stores for teens and young adults, but in the last decade the company has pushed their shoppers away with outdated apparel and lots of controversy surrounding the brand. The last few years the media …show more content…

Let’s be honest, no one wants to be associated with a company that has a bad reputation, so people are no longer buying their clothing, shares of their stock, or putting in resumes to work for Abercrombie and Fitch. Sales have been down for the company since 2008, and the company is struggling to regain its appeal to teens and young adults, but are continuing to lose this battle. Their stock prices have plummeted in the last ten years, stock that once sold for $84.23 a share in October 2007 is now selling for just $28.51 a share, that a loss of almost 67% in less than nine years. Finding employees has been difficult since the company has been hit with numerous lawsuits over the years involving hiring discrimination practices within the company. The lack of qualified candidates means the company will have to hire people that are less qualified for jobs just to fill vacant …show more content…

The answer is yes, but they need to make some big changes fast before they are forced to close their doors forever. Abercrombie and Fitch’s sales and stock prices won’t improve until the public sees the company treating their employees better. The company needs to overhaul their hiring practices and make sure they have a diverse staff at the company. An updated ad campaign showing diversity rather than scantily clad perfect models would bring a more diverse cliental into the stores. They also need to design clothing that appeals to their audience instead of a million sweatshirts with Abercrombie written all over them and ton of jeans with holes in them. Having a better selection of unique clothing will increase sales, which in turn will increase stock prices solving that problem. A reputation doesn’t improve overnight but making these changes could get people back into the store shopping for Abercrombie and Fitch

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