A Thousand Splendid Suns Sacrifice

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In the novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, the author Khaled Hosseini reveals the constant struggles and the sacrifices of motherhood through comparing the lives of each female character in the book; Fariba, Nana, Mariam and Laila to show how motherhood and sacrifice are connected. In the specific quote on page 358, Hosseini has one of his main characters, Mariam, realize that she must make sacrifices as a mother to save the lives of the people she loves the most, “It’s fair,” Mariam said. “I've killed our husband. I've deprived your son of his father. It isn't right that I run. I can't. Even if they never catch us, I'll never . . .” Her lips trembled. “I'll never escape your son's grief. How do I look at him? How do I ever bring myself to look …show more content…

Despite Nana calling Mariam “a harami” and “an unwanted thing”, she truly loved Mariam jo, “You know I love you, Mariam jo”. (15) Nana was constantly attempting to keep Mariam safe from all those who would judge her. Nana concealed Mariam from the world for both her own and Mariam’s sakes, “Nana made no secret of her dislike her visitors- and, in fact, people in general...” (15) Mariam had few connections with people outside a select few that Nana would allow in her life and this harmed overall because when Nana died there was no support for Mariam besides her cowardly father. Nana endured great pain physical and mentally for Mariam which displays her genuine love for her, yet she never lets Mariam forget the pain she felt, “It did not occur to young Mariam to… apologize for the manner of her own birth.” (11) Though Nana was present in the majority of Mariam’s childhood unlike Fariba, overall she caused Mariam more sadness than joy. Nana taught Mariam one worthwhile lesson in her adolescent years, “Only one skill. And it’s this:tahamul. Endure… Women like us. We endure. It’s all we have..They’ll say the most terrible things about you. I won’t have it.” (18-19) This little tidbit of motherly advice served Mariam well in her life- she endured physical and mental pain in her adult life. …show more content…

Sacrifice by definition is an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. Motherhood and sacrifice go hand in hand, hence why a person really cannot be a mother without having to make sacrifices. The connection between Mariam and Laila, Mariam and Laila’s kids, and Laila and her kids displayed sacrifice through motherhood over the course of their relationships’ development. Although these characters endured struggles that hurt them, these sacrifices were not necessarily negative; they saved the ones they loved and bettered their lifestyle through taking these risks. In a contrast, Nana and Fariba showed their different traits of motherhood through their influence on their daughters. Although their influence was negative, these selfish women, raised two wonderful women who were incredibly strong, leading two different lives, but met in the middle for a short period of time, and saved one another. Despite Laila’s and Mariam’s childhoods where Fariba was absent and Nana being ridiculously cruel, if these mothers had acted differently, Mariam and Laila would not have been brought together through fate, thus it is difficult to categorized Nana and Fariba’s impact on their children’s lives as positive or

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