A Summary Of Slavery In 'Kindred'

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The book Kindred is about a women named Dana, a present day African American women. She ends up traveling from California, where she lives with her husband Kevin, who is Caucasian, back to the antebellum South. Dana only goes back in time when Rufus needs her help and each time she is there she seems to stay longer. Rufus is a white slave owner son. Slavery had previously existed throughout history, in many times and most places. What does it mean to be a slave or an enslaved person? To be a slave is to be owned by another person. Slavery to me seems like the imagery of hell. I imagine hell being something you cannot escape. A place where your soul burns internally. You might beg, cry, or even pray but nothing will help the predicament you …show more content…

Why? Slave owners did not want the slaves to ever turn against them or to know what was going on. Slaves were supposed to be like robots. Do and say as the “master” wanted. Slave owners wanted to normalize this behavior as if it was acceptable. "Masters" controlled slaves to the point that slaves were prohibited to get married. Rufus did not care that Alice wanted to be with Isaac. Rufus only cared that he wanted to be with her. He was going to win over her love one way or another, but that did not change her perception of him as a white man. White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race. Slave owners did not care about how Africans felt. They had power, meaning they did not care if their slaves were tired after hard work from sun up to sun down, all they cared about was money. They sold runaway slaves because they would make a profit off them instead of loose them for free or having them cause trouble on their plantation. For example, Alice and Isaac tried to run away. The white men beat Isaac, cut off his ears, and sold

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