A Snapshot of Computer Hacking

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A Snapshot of Computer Hacking Computer hacking has been around for over fifty years. Anytime new technology comes to the fore front, there are individuals who want to expand upon it. Hacking in general terms, is simply taking a technology and trying to improve upon it without the permission of the owner. I want to point out two terms that I will use throughout the paper, hacker and cracker. A hacker is a person who has extensive computer knowledge and enjoys tackling technical issues. The goal of hackers is not to cause damage to the computer system or network while infiltrating it. They are there to try and learn and improve upon the program. A hacker believes that information should be free, so they commonly share how they went about doing the infiltrating. A cracker is a person who uses his knowledge for personal gain against the law. EX: stealing account numbers, distributing viruses etc. It is safe to safe to say that all crackers are hackers, but not all hackers are crackers. This is an important distinction. Most people don’t realize the difference, largely impart by unawareness and the media. According to Tellis (2000) “The basic difference between hackers and crackers is: Hackers build things, crackers break things”. Many times, companies will employ the hackers who break into their systems. Taking them from what may lead to a lifetime of crime, and changing them into ethical hackers. Ethical hackers also know as White Hats, are professionals that write codes to check the integrity of programs on behalf of the owners. The first computer hackers surfaced from MIT. (Focus Editors). The term hacking was borrowed from members of a model train club, who reconfigured the switches and r... ... middle of paper ... ... J (2006). A Short History of Hacking. Retrieved from http://www.neatorama.com/2006/08/28/a-short-history-of-hacking/ Unknown author (n.d.). Hacking History. Retrieved from http://www.campusactivism.org/html-resource/hackers/section4.html Perrin, C (August 16, 2010). Hackers and crackers: a lesson in etymology and clear communication. Retrieved from http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/security/?p=4237 Taber, M (n.d.). Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network (chapter 3.) Retrieved from http://newdata.box.sk/bx/hacker/ch03/ch03.htm Tellis, P. S. (Nov. 6 2000). Hackers are Not Crackers. Retrieved from http://db.glug-bom.org/lug-authors/philip/docs/hackers-not-crackers.html Unknown author (n.d.). Ethical Hacker. Retrieved from http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci921117,00.html

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