A Sense Of Urgency Summary

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Organizational change, can be challenging to tackle. As an assignment for our Organizational Change course, I selected a book by John P. Kotter, titled “a sense of urgency” to review. In the course we gained constructive knowledge on addressing, understanding and managing change. In “a sense of urgency” Kotter, provides strategies, frameworks crucial difference in differentiating urgency. I found the course and the reading addressed many sectors which correlated with each other. In the following review, I will provide you with an analytical observation on the fundamentals of the reading and the interrelationship between the course.

A sense of urgency, provides readers with a broader prospective and examples of what urgency means, when addressing …show more content…

He describes a true change leader will make sure a significant amount of people, share the same vision of how crucial change is needed and the opportunities it will bring. He addresses some red flags on understanding behaviors, which can signifies lack of urgency. Items such as delegation, involving numerous people who are not engaged enough and struggling to find time to meet all can raise red flags. The reading from Kotter, provide many useful questions on pages 32 and 33 for finding complacency. A strategy to increase true urgency contained four tactics we should follow. The first was bring the outside reality in. This was followed by understanding how people should behave by saying and follow through with what they say. The third was proceeding with care but looking at the positive possibilities and opportunities. The forth was not putting up with people who resilient and with the issues of the “NoNos”. This section of the reading provided insight on aiming for the heart, since feelings can contribute to compulsive determination. Another basic strategy included was evaluating the problems which will be faced during the change, setting goals, creating strategies and establishing a procedural organization method. The reading goes in depth in providing information on each of the strategies and how to seek, create and understand each one. One of the phases which stood out in my mind was “Urgency up, success; urgency down, a mess”. Kotter, goes on to explain that even short-term success can be positive. When others see positive outcomes, people who were once skeptical become believers and in turn are more apt adapt to change. Kotter was able to provide keys steps to maintain urgency after success on page

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