What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

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The very first thing that stood out to me when I entered the Church was the way it was build. It wasn’t just merely a big hall or building, it looked like a traditional Church, like the famous ones in Europe, but smaller. Nevertheless, I thought it was impressive. It consisted of many arch structures, had a huge alter, a very big cross hanging from the ceiling and many more crosses scattered throughout the Church. The windows weren’t see through but rather were paintings depicting Jesus’s life story and angels. Moreover, there were sculptures all around the church, some large with multiple characters and some smaller ones. Also, instead of chairs in rows, there were long wooden benches, called pews, which had cushions were people could kneeled …show more content…

The pastor used the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector to illustrate that doing everything that we are supposed to is not going to lead us to redemption if we don’t open our hearts to the Lord. He went on to say that we shouldn’t just follow the law but act in accordance to the Lord, that we should aim for our hearts to be like Christ, and become the creation that God wanted us to be. In order to achieve that we need to change the way we do things in life. The Pastor pointed out that we tend to always complain about others, whether it’s the terrorists, criminals, pagans, coworkers or whoever, but that complaining doesn’t do any good. The Lord wants us to change and not to complain. Interestingly, he then started to sing a popular song that isn’t a traditional worship song but rather a pop song by Michael Jackson: “Man in The Mirror”. He said the chorus of the song very closely represents the Gospel, and he was right. God wants us to recognize our own sinfulness, he wants us to change ourselves so we can change the world. It is not good enough if we just do what is expected of Christans to do, our heart needs to be in it too, completely. We have talked about similar ideas in class, for example, we discussed that simply living according to the law, going to …show more content…

Describing the main difference, is a bit trickier, however, because there were a lot of differences. Yet, I think the biggest one was the behavior of the audience. At my church, people just walk in and take a seat. At the church I visited, the people walked in, took some holy water, and made the Sign of the Cross. Further, before sitting down, they would kneel before entering the pew and again make the Sign of the Cross. Moreover, at my church the people always bring their Bible, and the church would hand out a program with some space to take notes. However, at the church I visited, no one brought a Bible or took notes. They were dedicating their entire attention to the service. Also, at my church the audience nod or say “Amen” during the service to show that they agree with what is being said, yet, at the church I visited the audience was engaged all the time. The pastor would say something and all of the audience responds, it was very interesting. Moreover, I did not see anyone who was on their phone, which I do see frequently at my church. Interesting, also was that during the latter part of the Mass, before receiving the Communion, the people would keel down in their pew, showing their surrendering before

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