A Note to Rememer

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A Note to Remember

Music is a form of life that has a variety of purposes; even the human mind cannot comprehend them all. It should be considered a need but because of the economy and its hardship it has bestowed upon people, when school budgets tighten, music programs feel the pressure early and brace for a potential beating (Jennings). Our education system should allow children to express themselves through efficacious learning experiences, giving them the opportunity them to get in-touch with, and strengthen, their creativity (Lim and Chung, S60, Terrance). There is no doubt other programs includes this, but when it comes to music, people question its capability and it is considered “not cool”. Without music in our education programs, children are mislead and cheated from their futures (Music 110), and the focus wonders towards the opposing spectrum. We need musical instruction because it can play an important role in brain development, help achieve academic success, preserve the past, and most importantly, provide opportunities to build our character in a positive, and meaningful, environment, even through the hardship

Music teaching is an important aspect that music educators believe is important to the brain development of a child (Music 42). This is displayed in recent behavioral studies and the neurological research that links the study of music to brain development. In early childhood, motor and auditory skills are developed from musical training just after fifteen months (Hyde, Music 50), and the cerebellum has been found to work balance and muscle coordination, also noted for its involvement with interpreting rhythm (Holden), the life and blood of music. The cerebellum has also been involved in experiments, such as...

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...nnoticed. Give a hungry child broccoli, and it will be eaten. Give a school the piece of cake, and it gets stale.

Change is imminent, and the best is yet to come. General Ford, former President of the USA, once said, “Music education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them—a world around them—a world of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement. The future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes just this,” (Music 8). Children should not only be able to grow as a person, but as a prominent figure that could become the next eminent composer, such as Bach. A simple sound such as his can sooth the soul and provide us a promising future. However, notation is nothing more than symbolism and never fully expresses meaning beyond a simple penstroke.

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