Music Education: Education, Socialization, And Musical Education

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Developing children need to be engaged in musical education because it assists them with their emotional development in a safe and comfortable environment. Children are essentially blank slates at the start of their education. Therefore, they can be molded by their environment; music needs to be a part of that environment. As Aristotle once said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Aristotle, one of the most profound philosophers of Ancient Greece, stated that the true purpose of art is to focus on what is on the inside, or how it makes the individual feel on the inside emotionally. Aristotle wanted to make it known that the goal of music and the arts was not to boast about …show more content…

Socialization is essential to a developing mind of a child. Music courses can help students become more social and assist them with the ability to development team building skills. Everyone has heard the phrase that “the children today are tomorrow’s leaders”. Schools need to arm students with skills for the real world. Memorization, socialization, and team building are the skills students need to have to succeed. One researcher says that by cutting back on music instruction, the children and the community are the ones that are being penalized (Mazzocchi). They are being penalized because the children of the community are not getting the creative outlet they so desperately long for. Children need to be able to have positive interaction with others to form important bonds. Students need positive interaction to be socialized properly. Numerous inner-city school districts have trouble with these interactions, especially schools in bad neighborhoods with high levels of violence or drug use. The media often report on celebrities that initiate music programs for these schools and communities. By having creative and supportive people around the troubled youth, children are much better assimilated into society. If it helps with children with problems such as that, imagine what it could do with other school districts. When transitioning from schooling to the real world, today’s children …show more content…

Music education can help students with their mental health and cope with possible mental illness. A very important tool in today’s society where more and more young adults are being diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders. The growing epidemic of mental illnesses is still growing rapidly to the United States. By implementing a music credit requirement school districts can prevent the rate at which mental illnesses form and develop. It may also help reduce physical pain and be able to treat minor heart conditions. Music may also assist the children with their school subjects. Music makes it easier for students to understand and interpret school work and focus on what is important in their academic studies. Music also helps students with the multiple standardized testing that is prominant in school systems today. Students need to be introduced to the power that music has on people. Music allows students to find a whole new confidence when it comes to interaction with other people. Students, especially in the earlier years of education, need to be able to advance these skills in order to make sustainable relationships. These skills can be translated to skills that society uses everyday. Therefore, students must be able to have access to musical

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