A Narrative Essay On How Prison Changed My Life

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The Reader didn’t really give any insight on how Hanna felt that prison changed her. We heard other people's recounts of her life in those years but we will never know how she felt about it. I wanted to try and create a narrative from the point of view who is in Hanna’s situation. To try and envision what Hanna was thinking and to try and answer how people can learn to overcome their past and try to understand why some people can’t. The first few times I rode the bus I missed my stop. I would go into a sort of daze. Every five minuets or so the driver would come to a halt and let passengers get off, making room for new ones to take their place. It was overwhelming. I had forgotten how many people there were in the world. I spent the last 8 …show more content…

I sat in jail for two weeks before my sister called to tell me my mother had died. She had a stroke. She told me I deserved what I was getting and I knew that I did. She yelled at me a little longer and then hung up without saying goodbye. That was the only time I talked to my sister for eight years. She went to every one of my court hearings and would put money in my account every so often, but she never responded to my letters and never called me again. I got sentenced to eight years in prison for armed robbery, though I’d barely consider having a baseball bat considered being “armed”. But the judge said that because I had used it to break the glass panel on the door and I had carried it into the house with me intending to use it again, it was a weapon. I accepted whatever they gave me. I didn’t have the energy to try and defend myself. I have tried to forgive myself for what happened. A large part of my burden is cause by my own hatred toward my actions. I still dream about her every night and think about her every day. I’m not ever going to be able to get over it. All I can do is know that I’m not the person I was and hope that changes

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