A Narrative Essay On How Alcohol Changed My Life

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As far as I can remember, alcohol has been a common issue in my life. Whether we were at the beach or just waking up, there was always an open bottle of beer or liquor. Due to the fact that my father was such a heavy drinker, my mother feared that I would grow an addiction as a result. Despite all the anger and regret that alcohol caused in my father’s life, I still feared that I would have an irrepressible impulse to drink. As the years went by, my father’s addiction and the challenges it brought in my life, eventually shaped me to become who I am today. Riding home Friday, December twenty-first, doubting my father’s ability to stay sober, I held on to the promise that my dad made to stop drinking. To my surprise, the house was peaceful as my parents made plans for the night. Relieved, I settled down in my room and practiced my guitar. As soon as my parents left though, my stomach began turning as I thought about the dangers of alcohol and how it can turn a fun night into a nightmare after a few drinks. However, I dismissed my worries and trusted my father to control his desires. Unfortunately, I received a call late in the night from a stranger …show more content…

Adapting to these changes in my life forced me to change my character in order to remain a functional teenager. Within the past ten months, I’ve had trouble keeping my grades up, making and keeping friends, and handling the problems caused by my father’s absence. With the help of my loyal friends, I was given the support I needed in order to push myself through school whether or not I wanted to. even though I had friends and family caring for me, I still longed for the connection that me and my father used to have. I repeatedly reached out to my father, but he held on to his addiction with a tight grip that he could not release. After months of depression, I finally convinced myself that I could not control my father’s addiction and it was not my problem to

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