Who Is Influenced By Scott Sanders Under The Influence

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In life you learned a lot from your friends, culture, society, culture and from your surroundings but it’s a parents job to teach you about good and bad and make sure you are on a right path. As in the two work of literature “Letter to my son” by TA-NESHISI and “Under the influence” by Scott sanders tells you the perfect example of the influence of father on his son’s life. Where Sanders youth was under the influence of his father’s alcoholism, and how this effected Sanders and his family, but also how it is effecting on his own children as well. Sanders relates his youth growing up watching alcohol transform his father which created an environment of fear in Sanders family. It was only after Sanders grew up that he discovered the disease …show more content…

However you will go through the same struggle same adversities where whites still have a fair edge compare to …show more content…

Where sanders supposed to get love and gifts from his father and mother he saw his parents fighting and abusing each other as Sanders stated “All evening, until our bedtimes, we tiptoe past him as a past a snoring dragon. Then we curl in our feat full streets listening. Eventually he wakes with a grunt, mother sling accusations at him he snacks back, she yells he growls, their voice clashing. Before long she retreats to their bedroom sobbing not from the blows of fists, for he never strikes her but from the force of words”. It shows you he had a tough time in his childhood and how this influence has not only effected Sanders and his family, but also how it is effecting his own children as well. Which creates the antagonism between father and son even sanders relates his youth growing up watching up his father’s drunken behavior which alternated between rage and melancholy and he also relates how his father’s alcoholism caused his brother to become rebellious, his sister retreated into herself. It is through his present perspective that Sanders can look upon his youth and both understand what he was going through at the time, making sense of the chaos of his youth, and understanding how it effecting him even now, causing him to become a workaholic, carrying with him a secret fear that someday the slightest drop of alcohol may cause him to sacrifice

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