A Good Boy Book Report

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A Good boy by Anthony Andre consists of 22 chapters. It is a book about the struggle of Wesley Aames, the main character, to find his way to lead the church into brighter days. The story revolves around the events taking place in his life. The New Covenant Church in North Carolina is struggling for its survival. The attendance is falling, funding is low and not to mention a recent suicide. The church decides to appoint Wesley Aames as the new preacher. Everything changed when a local teenager Jamie Lee McFarland commits suicide. The church is more divided than ever before, and Wesley has tough decisions to make. He is naive but determined enough to bring the brighter days to the church with his unconventional way towards life. At first, when …show more content…

For example, "If we know in our hearts we are going to heaven we should embrace death. Not necessarily seek it out, but we should have no fear if we know that we are going to heaven." I like the concept of suicide hotline which Wesley used to call a teen hotline. In one conversation he said, "Just because God's not solving our problems for us doesn't mean that God doesn't care. Anyway, praying can be just like talking to God. It's a chance to let off steam or get things off your chest without being judged." Wesley understands that religion should not be about hate. In one scene, he is asked to teach a class about Islam without turning it a class on extremism and terrorism. He said, "Easy. I teach a class on the truth about Islam. Not a class on how that truth has been perverted by people to support their own ideas and political agendas. Just like I would not allow a class on Christianity to devolve into a discussion on the bigotry of the Klan, with burning, or the racism that created the Southern Baptist Church." When I started reading this book, I found it uninteresting. My thoughts were, "why I am reading this book?" I kept reading this because I wanted to know if the book can turn down my thoughts. I wasn't disappointed but wasn't satisfied either. I liked the last few chapters only. Overall the book was okay for

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