A Glimpse of myself

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I always used to ask myself: who am I? My brain would give me dozens and dozens of answers but never a definite one, until I figured out that I am a little bit of everything. I am the the typical girl who pays attention to the latest fashion trends and likes to try out the newest baking ideas. But I am also that girl who is more likely to cry over a character in a novel dying than when put in hard situations. I believe that books give me the strength needed to deal with difficult situations in life. They open worlds within worlds through their small windows and nourish me with unlimited knowledge about miscellaneous cultures, traditions and different life scenarios. I also find writing a way to express myself; therefore I have been writing short stories for as long as I can remember. I am the girl always providing a helping hand and getting involved in activities. Despite moving to the suburbs of Abu Dhabi three years ago, which strictly limited my outdoor activities; I didn’t let that hinder or discourage me and decided to make the most of the situation through my school volunteeri...

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