A Family Affair Essay

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An affair is an intensive amorous relationship usually of short duration. When I first saw the title “A family affair”, the first thing that came to my mind was that there was going to be presented an affair between persons from the same family. As I began reading the story, I was able to see that the title is related to the story because it mentions an important event that had occurred, an affair. Reeka had an affair with her stepbrother Kenneth “Kenny” Flannigan. To tell a little more about the story, I’m going to start with the two main characters, Reeka and Kendra. Kendra is a 21-year-old girl; she has sandy hair, fair skin, and hazel eyes. Kendra was raised by her mother Reeka, a steemed New York lawyer, thinking that Kenny was her uncle not her father. On day, Kenny, the secondary character in the story, had a ski accident that left him in a state of coma. Because of this, Kendra and Reeka were at the hospital’s waiting room which is the setting of the story. To be in the hospital caused tension in Reeka because she didn’t wanted for the other relatives to find out what happened between her and Kenny. The real conflict was that Reeka had never told Kendra the truth about her paternity, and now Reeka was hoping to fulfill at least one of Kenny’s desires before he died. Even though Kendra didn’t know the truth about their uncle, she loved him very much. In despite of the situation, the three of them had an amazing relationship. There were two things that Kenny ever really wanted, to hear his daughter called him daddy and to marry Reeka. Due to the desire to fulfill at least one of Kenny’s wishes, Reeka decided to tell the truth to her daughter Kendra. When she told her, the perspective ... ... middle of paper ... ...the author used with respect to the situation between Reeka and Kenny. In my opinion, one of the most important things when we read a story is what we can learn from it or what the author is trying to covey with the story. In other words, it’s theme. The author of “A family affair” gave a specific theme that says: “Tell your kids the truth about their paternity before it’s too late.” Sometimes parents think that is better to never say the truth about their children’s past, but with this story I realized that they deserve to know no matter how hard the truth may be. Reeka waited for something bad to happen to tell her daughter the truth; it shouldn’t be that way. She could’ve known way before, but Reeka was afraid. I believe that the story gave a really good message; it encouraged me to never hide the truth if something like that happens to me.

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