A Cry Of Emotionation In Joseph Conrad's 'The Secret Sharer'

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The word was a cry of agony forced from the depths of the boy’s soul. {PG Wodehouse} (Anger or resentment / resentful/ in a huff/indignant /high dudgeon/ irate /vexed/ outraged/ incensed/ annoyed/ cross/ angry/ furious/ offended/ piqued =A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride/ To cause to feel resentment or indignation. {Farlex}) A stunned sense that all the fundamental decencies in life were being outraged had swept over George. {PG Wodehouse} (To do harm to (property or qualities considered sacred); desecrate or defile./violated/ dishonoured/ desecrated/ sullied/ despoiled/ debased/ encroach upon/ intrude upon/ infringed/ defied/ breached/ disobeyed/ broken/ abused/ contravened/ disregarded/ …show more content…

{Joseph Conrad- ‘The Secret Sharer’} (In a churlishly rude or bad-tempered manner/gruffly/ brusquely/ abruptly/ curtly/ churlishly/ rudely/ impolitely/ discourteously/ disagreeable/ truculently/ grumpily/ short-temperedly/ irritably/ boorishly/ crabbily/ tetchily/ unhelpfully/ sullenly/ grouchily/ unfriendly/ shortly/ bad-temperedly) -He listened to this diatribe with utter imperturbability. {Alexandre Dumas, the Count of Monte Cristo} (A bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing) {Merriam-Webster.com} (attack/ tirade/ invective/ denunciation/ harangue/ rant/ criticism/ discourse/ broadside/ counterblast/ polemics = the art or practice of disputation or controversy arguments/ pleas/ speeches/ defences/ palaver) ~The agnostic will not deny that, if every particle of authority and supernatural character be taken from the Bible, it will remain one of the world’s great literatures, second to none. And the most polemic of all investigators must admit that appreciation is the end, and polemics only the means. {Richard D …show more content…

"I wanted to have, a bit of a talk with you about that—being engaged and all that sort of thing. I'm glad I got you alone before the Curse arrived." {PG Wodehouse, the Little Warrior} -His face is as flat as a pancake. (Figure of speech: simile- A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words “like” or “as” {Wikipedia}/comparable/ similar/ analogous/ akin/ equal/ equivalent/ like/ as good as) -It did not elicit that word of curt praise. (Rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner {Farlex}/abrupt/ blunt/ brief/ brisk/ brusque/ rude/ terse/ offhand/ summary/ peremptory/ snappy/ short/ snippy) His manner was far from gracious. (Ungracious ill-mannered/ discourteous/ rude/ impolite/ bad-mannered/ uncivil/ disrespectful/ insolent/ churlish/ brusque/ churlish) -That’s rich coming from you; you were guilty of the same if not worse crime. (When someone has the audacity to reprimand you when he is much worse than you are/you have a nerve/ of all the nerve/ impertinence / insolence/ cheek/ impudence/

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