A Critical Analysis and Evaluation of an Article on Cruelty to Domestic Pets

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A Critical Analysis and Evaluation of an Article on Cruelty to Domestic Pets

Animal cruelty is an issue that is often disregarded as being a major

problem in Britain today. Animals are not considered as important as

humans, and many people do not care about the way they are treated.

But I don't think I am alone when I say that when I saw the grotesque

picture at the top of this article, I was filled with disgust. This

was obviously the intention of the writer- to attract attention to the

article and alert people about the problem that animal cruelty is


The presentation is a very significant part of any article. Fist

impressions are certainly very important, even vital, because when

flicking through a magazine, you don't know what is going to be

written in a particular article. It is the way it looks that attracts

your attention, and helps hold your attention throughout the article.

The main title - 'Cruel Intentions' is written in very large letters

and in red, a bright colour, which immediately attracts your

attention. This title has a double meaning, because although it talks

about cruelty meaning cruelty to animals, at the time this article was

published, Cruel Intentions was a popular film amongst teenagers. This

in itself would attract attention. A title would usually summarise the

text, however this title does not. Instead, a subtitle is featured

which reads: 'The shameful truth about Britain's pet crimes'. The

purpose this serves is to show the reader what they are reading about

after their attention has been caught.

The photographs are also an important part of the presentational

features. The large photo...

... middle of paper ...

... cruelty. After having an emotive effect on the reader,

the writer starts to put pressure on the reader to take action against

animal cruelty. This is done using three-fold repetition such as 'can,

can, can' and using reputable organisations such as the RSPCA and the

NCDL to show the intensity of the problem. A lot of pressure is put on

the reader and it is debateable whether or not this is a good thing-

sometimes people can feel insecure under a lot of pressure. However,

in this case I think it is effective, because I don't think teenagers

would be worried about such pressure.

Overall, I think this is a very effective article, combining literary

and presentational techniques to create an emotive effect on and

interest the reader, to inform the reader, and to persuade the reader

to take action against animal cruelty.

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