A Couple Of Really Neat Guys Dave Barry Analysis

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Littering is like a cause and effect when its saw or done others will do the same. In the essay “A Couple Of Really Neat Guys” Dave Barry uses comedy to explain the point of not to litter. He uses hyperbole and one liners to explain his opinion on littering. Littering is something Dave Barry feels very strong for and does not appreciate. So, instead of starting a debate or argument he uses comedy to effectively show his point. Using hyperbole and one liners/puns to show his point that littering is bad and people should throw their trash away.
First off, Dave Barry uses hyperbole to describe what the litterer has and then what they throw on to the ground. For example, he uses hyperbole and explains the litters in a more exaggerated way“They …show more content…

The two characters are Captain Tidy which is Dave. The other character is Neatness Man which is Dave’s optometrist. These two “heroes” go out on the street in a car telling people not to litter. For instance in the text Dave Barry uses a one liner “ If you had senn us wearing our outfits and standing in our superhero stance- hand on hips, chest thrust out, garbage bags blowing out dramatically behind-your only response would have to been to say with genuine emotion in your voice, What a pair of dorks.” Dave Barry uses one liners to describe the emotions going through other people's head when they see Captain Tidy and Neatness Man roaming the street. In addition the author used wordplay to keep a humours affect to the situation. Lastly, the author says “ One possible explanation for this, of course, is that they thought we were dangerous escaped perverted tights - wearing lunatics.” To add on , the author is saying that people are basically looking at Dave and his doctor as if they are crazy. Summing up, the reaction of the characters when they see Dave and his doctor dressed up that creates the humorous tone to the

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