Persuasive Essay On Littering

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The Beauty That Surrounds Us “It is amazing that 94% of people identify litter as a major environmental problem and yet people still litter (JB Green Team).” This is entirely true; it is amazing how many people are aware of littering being an environmental problem but still refuse to do anything about it. Littering is a big controversial subject in the world today. A subject with easy resolutions but is hard to accomplish when people are either too impatient or lazy. Littering can be easily prevented but people still choose to litter anyways. People choose to ignore the problems that littering causes rather than be more aware of the major downfalls that littering creates; littering causes problems with wildlife, it affects our health, and …show more content…

According to Johnson, author of “HSUS animal caretakers see litter 's lethal dangers”, “Renata Schneider has seen a number of trash related injuries—birds poisoned from lead weights, skunks with yogurt containers stuck on their heads, birds’ eyes poked out from fishing hooks. But the worst case she remembers was a raccoon whose paws were stuck in beer cans.” By littering animals are put in many different life threatening positions, that many can not recover from. Trash has had a major impact on the wild life and is causing many deaths for innocent animals. Johnson claims, “In Hawaii, more than 1,000 small pieces of plastic were found in the stomach of a sea turtle. Perhaps the most famous case involved a pygmy sperm whale stranded off the New Jersey coast in 1993. Inky, as she was called, had 3 square feet of plastic clogging her stomach.” The trash that is left around get caught in the water systems, travel to the ocean, and cause fatal injuries on animals. People do not realize that by littering they are putting other lives at risk by their carelessness. There are many animals who are injured by what we would consider “casual litter”. There had been many cases where animals were to fatally injured to recover and had to be put down. People don’t realize how even the simple things you throw out the window can cause a serious problem. Beer can plastics are especially harmful …show more content…

People of all ages and gender litter; there is no specific type of people to litter, just about everyone has littered before. When one trash is thrown out it allows other people to think that it is okay to litter as well. Littering affects everyone and people must learn to preserve wildlife. No one really realizes the effect littering can have on not only in everyone’s lives, but also the wild life itself. According to Keep America Beautiful, authors of “LITTER PREVENTION: WHY, WHO, WHERE”, “People of all ages and social backgrounds have been observed littering -- men and women, children, and all ages in between are likely to litter.” At some point everyone has littered, whether it was intentional or not. Keep America Beautiful also claims that “When illegal dumping occurs, days and sometimes weeks or months will pass before it gets cleaned up. In the meantime, people, animals and wildlife are naturally attracted, trash bags are opened, and the trash is distributed on the ground.” Animals are curious creatures and if they smell food, naturally the animals will want to go investigate it. As the trash is now exposed to the open, it can blow in the wind and travel to different places. There are easy ways to help prevent littering; Cathy, the author of the article “12 ways you can prevent litter”, states that “Set an example by not littering.” If you show good

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