A Comparison of Frankenstein 1994 to Frankenstein 1957

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A Comparison of Frankenstein 1994 to Frankenstein 1957

Over the past hundred years, Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein has

been read worldwide, by many different audiences.

In the original novel, the creature is given life by Frankenstein, and

then he stretches out his arm to see if Frankenstein will accept him

as a son. Whereas in the 1957 film he is in a box full of water, and

is wrapped in bandages. The creature tries to strangle Frankenstein

until he is stopped by Paul. In contrast, the 1994 film portrays the

birth differently; Frankenstein is seen running around his lab and is

all sweaty and dirty. Once the creature is alive he falls on the floor

into all the liquid and he and Frankenstein roll about in it.

In the 1957 film when the creature receives life you see his chest

beating up and down, and he sits up with his arms out straight. He

then attacks Frankenstein, but Frankenstein thinks it is because Paul

has damaged the monster’s brain. However in the 1994version,

Frankenstein realises he has made a mistake and...

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