A Comparison Of Film Analysis Of 'Alif Laila'

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As “Alif Laila” is a book of short stories it is important to initially learn from similar stories that have been converted to films. This should provide a clear view of how the movie’s ambiance has been affected by the story’s: narration, the era in which it was written and from where it’s roots lie. 7.3 Era Inspired Ambiance 7.3.1 Beauty and The Beast Movie-1991 by Disney production Book- 17th century by Madame de Vileneuve The movie gives a detailed view of two absolutely different levels of architectural style. One being a French countryside and the other a gigantic castle. The architecture provides the ambiance, which was described in the narration, however this is not it. The story was written in the mid 17th century, thus the …show more content…

The French renaissance architecture can also be seen in the film including: Corridor rooms: the castle has many levels of the royal corridors. Which also had rooms situated in them. Extensive gardens and water features are also seen throughout the movie, in the castle, in the cottage and in the village. However the castle had perfect landscaping, typically French garden style while the cottage has meadows. Furthermore the work also reflects the baroque movement, which also was a part of the related era. A play of light and shade is frequently used throughout the film to give the respective ambiance. The architectural features this way create an emphasis on one element while the others support within the environment. Figure below is an example of how the light and dark areas give a negative and positive impact; additionally the sculptures and the shades create a sense of pessimism in the viewers mind. he baroque painting elements are also found in the movie, the ceilings of the ballroom in the beast’s castle. The image shows the use of baroque paintings, which provide a positive impact to the scene occurring at that moment, with intense emotions and lighting …show more content…

The same narration of “Beauty and the Beast” was read, followed by the highlighting of the direct architectural atmosphere that was created by the narration, and was then related to the cinematic approach of that particular scene. Their departure to the cottage, which stood in the midst of a dark forest and seemed to be the most dismal place on the face of the earth. As they were too poor to have any servants, the girls had to work hard, and the sons, or their part, cultivated the fields to earn their living. Roughly clothed and living in the simplest way.” The narration is direct and the view of the cottage is given in the woods along with the simplistic living style of the people living within the cottage. “Presently it led him into an avenue of trees which ended in a splendid castle. It seemed very strange that no snow had fallen in the avenue of orange trees, covered with flowers and fruit. When he reached the first court of the castle, he saw before him a flight of agate steps. He went up them and passed through several splendidly furnished

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