A Career In Counseling Field Study

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I decided to pursue a career in counseling because of three factors. One factor is the connection I made with one of my high school teachers. During that time, I met my school’s Psychology teacher. Before her, I had never met anyone who studied psychology. I ended up asking her many questions about psychology and counseling. She was the reason I decided to learn more about counseling and pursue it as a career. The second factor that made me interested in a counseling career were the counselors I met during a Field Study experience. They helped me decide that counseling was the proper career path for me by showing me that counseling was something I would enjoy doing as a career. The final factor is because people come to me for advice. People …show more content…

I knew very early on that I wanted to have a minor in Applied Communication Studies. I realized that Applied Communication Studies would provide me with knowledge and skills that would help prepare me to become a counselor. I chose my Psychology and Applied Communications classes as a way to help prepare me for a career in counseling. As a result, I have taken courses like Psychopathology, Marriage and Family Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Psychological Tests and Measures and Conflict and …show more content…

Clients during a counseling appointment will probably be experiencing a lot of emotions so the skill of Self-awareness is important because counselors need to be aware of what they are saying and how it may be interpreted by the client. Self-Reflection is important for counselors during a counseling appointment and after. Self-Reflection during a counseling appointment allows a counselor to reflect and interpret what a client has just said and how they feel about that. This also gives them time to think of an appropriate response and a possible solution to what was just said. Self-Reflection at the end of the day allows the counselors to truly figure out how they feel. The job of being a counselor is strenuous and will affect most counselors either psychologically or emotionally because they are helping their clients, who they care about; with problems that are troubling them. Self-Care is important for counselors because they need to take care of themselves in order to help take care of people again

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