2001 Space Odyssey Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke introduces the readers to a world of fiction filled with mystery, fantasy and sci-fi. We meet characters such as HAL, a robot that makes you contemplate about the value of futuristic technology, and Bowman, who is a trained personal that is part of the crew going to Japetus. The goal in this book was to reach Japetus, one of Saturn’s moons, in hopes of gathering information about extraterrestrial life and connections with the TMA-1. Japetus is a moon of Saturn. It raises many questions to what could have happened if humans became advanced earlier with the help of extraterrestrial beings. This story was also developed into a movie giving people interesting visuals of what the author may have imagined. …show more content…

The first similarities that the movie and book had were that the movie depicted how the man-apes got knowledge from the zenith that was sent by the aliens. Secondly, in the film and movie TMA-1 reacted with a high pitched noise when the sun hit it, sending a signal to Japetus. Thirdly, I think that the movie was able express HAL’s character well. Both showed how HAL wouldn’t let anyone or anything jeopardize the mission, thus leading to his demise as in the book. Fourthly, before Hal got fully disconnected he sang Daisy. In general; I didn’t find any similarities between the book and movie that was very notable. I only felt like the movie makers were able to follow the general plotline of the book and raise questions such as why is the TMA-1 significant and does HAL really have feelings. I did feel pity for HAL when he was disconnected in both the book and the …show more content…

First, the movie producers didn’t include some other skills that the man apes learned such as throwing and tying, also not including the whole scene where the man-apes were supposed to take out the leopard. Secondly, the movie didn’t mention the Turing test where scientist tested the robots to see if they are able to carry out a conversation with people and act somewhat like a human. Thirdly, Poole and Bowman did report back to headquarters as said in the book, however there was no scene where HAL needed to lip read Poole’s and Bowman’s private conversation and not confronting HAL. Fourthly, there were no scenes of the video recording that Bowman and Poole took to make notes of events. Fifth, in the book, Bowman reacted violently when he found out that Poole died, but never left the ship to gather Poole’s body. Sixthly, in the book HAL opened the airlocks opening the hibernation pods with the rest of the crew forcing Bowman to flee to the emergency shelter. In the film Bowman gets locked out of Discovery because HAL wanted to remove Bowman that way. Seventh, upon arriving at the hotel, Bowman finds an older version of himself eating and dying before becoming a star child. In the book Bowman explored the hotel, ate some blue goop and took a shower, etc. Finally, the movie didn’t show any past events as mentioned in the book, which time was running it backwards. They just skipped onto

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