2.11 Appositive Phrase Analysis

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2.11 Phrases Assignment Appositive Phrases 1. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, our neighbors for seventeen years, are building a new house in Superior. 2. My favorite nonfiction book, Nothing to Evy, is about North Korea. 3. Channing Tatum, the star of Magic Mike, is my favorite movie actor. 4. I enjoy competitive swimming, a sport that takes great strength and skill. Infinitive Phrases 1. My lifeguarding job, to be really honest, is quite boring. 2. Ally Roberts and I like to go to the Flatirons Mall to hang out with other kids in the food court. 3. To avoid burning my feet, I wore flip flops to the beach. 4. I hope to win the approval of my new coach by swimming 50 yards in 23 seconds. Prepositional Phrases 1. Racing toward the finish line,

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