1984 Media Movement Analysis

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Comparison of 1984 and the media movement

1984, while an enticing story, is far more culturally relevant as a commentary on social trends, and one of the most important aspects of this commentary throughout the book relates to the influence of the media on an individual's perception of reality. In 1984 the media is setup as an extension of the government, as and as such its primary focus is the spread of propaganda. One major difference between 1984 and the real world however is that in 1984, the media acts as a conglomerate organization, and as such has a sort of cognitive monopoly over the general population. This is in contrast to the multitude of media outlets we have to chose from. However many of the largest media outlets in the US …show more content…

This shifts the conversation from a discussion of the merits of an individual's opinions and logic, to a discussion about which of the two accepted mainstream views is more able to defeat the other. By this process issues that are deemed to threatening to the establishment can be minimized simply by making it clear that neither the democrats or republicans support this as part of their platform. Through shifting the focus in this way any unfavorable opinions can be dismissed as “extremist.” Another benefit of this system is the illusion of choice. By setting up a dualistic party system, voters are given the illusion that they are free to vote for whomever they want, when in reality both choices are favorable to the establishment and their corporate media buddies since the candidates for each party are determined in a fashion that is far less democratic than the general elections …show more content…

This is, I think, a parallel to the difficulty of breaking out of our natural psychological tendencies to reinforce our beliefs about the world rather than be open to new ideas. The difference is that in 1984, the struggle is systemic, and imposed from an outside source, whereas in a free society like our own, the only one accountable for ignorance of an individual is that individual themselves. This is at once a bleak commentary on natural trends both of individuals and of culture as a whole, as as self imposed ignorance is still very clearly as issue no matter what side one may take on any relevant issue of one's choosing, but also inspiring at least on an individual level as it encourages the reader to count their blessings so to

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