17th And 18th Century: The Colonization Of North America

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In the 17th and 18th century, during the colonization of North America by the English, an important factor that should be well known is that the geography and the environment of the land impacted their lives. Numerous components would play a role in almost each colony such as coldness or heat. While there were economic and political situations that were incredibly problematic, there were environmental and geographical complications causing lives to be lost. Thus, between the North and the South of North America, they each had their own dilemmas as well as differences between each other. When the colonists first arrived in North America, they primarily settled towards the north as they had to claim land before they arrived. The geographical features of the North were primarily forest areas, some grassfields, and rivers. Despite that fact, there were some mountain ranges in the north that impacted the Northerners way of life. Due to the vast amount of trees, countless colonists had to cut down trees for lumber. Additionally, the rivers were used as power for their factories. Geographical features like these is the reason why the North was superior at manufacturing. However, what hurt the English …show more content…

The Geography of the North lead to the development of numerous factories throughout their land. The colonists took advantage of the multitudinous trees and rivers that surrounded them. On the other hand, the South received a vast amount of land to the point where slave labor was required to grow the crops they needed. What is usually overlooked in history is that there were simple environmental and geographical regions that led to multiple conflicts like the civil war. Due to the fact that the North relied on manufacture and the South relied on slaves, these ideas would come into conflict creating the bloodiest war in

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