10 Reasons Why Traveling Is A More Valuable Learning Experience Than Going To School

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According to Teddy Lim (2017) , in terms of learning about life and handling real world situations, attending school is nothing compared to traveling and gaining useful and unique experiences. In his article, “10 Reasons Why Traveling Is A More Valuable Learning Experience Than Going To School,” he uses a persuasive and somewhat pensive tone to list reasons as to why his argument stands true. He reveals and proves to us that students who travel, establish a magnitude of knowledge about themselves as well as others. Through travel, people seem to more independently find out who they are and who they aim to be. Furthermore, while traveling, people have a tendency to expose themselves to others who are in differing situations. Moreover, this affects …show more content…

Afterwards, he continues to argue that, “school is probably the best place to expand your academic knowledge, but when it comes to learning about life, there is nothing more enriching than traveling” (Lim, 2017, p. 1). Then, to backup his claims he uses the subjectively frail argument that, “instead of being told something, you experience it” (Lim, 2017, p. 1). As a matter of fact, the travel abroad study actually proves him wrong in this aspect. Although there are a legitimate amount of parallels in the travel abroad study and Lim’s claims, going to school isn't necessarily a less valuable experience. It’s true that traveling is a really amazing learning experience but school is too. School isn’t just sitting in boring classrooms all day listening to teachers lecturing, it can teach some of the same lessons that traveling can. Furthermore, it can push people out of their comfort zone, help them to explore different subjects, meet new people and so much more. As a matter of fact, traveling while going to school is also an option, as we’ve seen from traveling abroad programs that schools such as the university in Hong Kong offer. Lim just appears to have a strict definition of school and that's mainly where he goes wrong in his article. Otherwise, his reasoning as to why traveling is a unique and important in the process of learning is reasonable. Afterall, it does correlate in some aspects with peer reviewed research and with the phenomenon of

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