Daily Life in the Roman Empire

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The Roman Empire

1. Describe some important aspects of daily life within your empire

The Romans lived very similar lives to us, except they don't have the electricity, motorised transport, social media and enormous skyscrapers like we do. But they still had daily jobs, schools, hospitals, police and even their own forms of transport.

The typical day of a roman boy about my age would be; he wakes up and has a light breakfast usually consisting of bread and water or on a day that he is lucky he might buy a wheat pancake on the way to school.

At school he would be taught, reading, writing, literature and most difficult of all mathematics. Math was difficult because in the roman language the used roman numerals and there are …show more content…

Dinner for the Romans was early compared ours, they sit down to eat at about 3:00 in the afternoon. The type of food they ate depended on their social class, the poor would usually eat some wheat porridge with vegetables and possibly some meat. But when it comes to the wealthy they ate 7 courses with fine meats, fresh fruit and vegetables plus top quality wine.

2. Explain the key achievements of your empire

One of the most honorable key achievements of the roman empire has to be the amount of land they conquered, and how long they reigned over those territories.

First of all is how important do you think roads are? Well, would you believe that they were invented around 1800 years ago! In Rome! The Romans built over 400,000kms of paved roads, after a couple of years there were almost 30 main highways going in and out of Rome. If you think that’s pretty cool they even invented the Julian calendar, which consisted of 365 days and 12 months. These were the names of the months:

Ianuarius (January)
Februarius (February)
Martius (march)
Aprilis (April)
Maius (may)
Junius (June)
Julius (July)
Augustus (august)

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