1.1 Explain The Role Of The Practitioner In The Eyfs

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When children are going through transitions, it is essential to build good attachment so children feel more comfortable with the practitioner asking questions and expressing their feelings. Using the method of reflective practice is important to check if children are attached with their key person. Then if there are any signs that the child is not settling, then the policies and relationships can be looked at and changed if necessary. The current framework is the EYFS which support children’s mathematical and literacy development. One of the EYFS principle in the Development Matters is the “unique child” concept which means that “every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable and self-assured.”- Development Matters (www.foundationyears.org.uk) This means that every child are different but have many different skills and learning styles. The government initiative of a unique child is over the death and case study of Victoria Climbié which had an impact on the practice of Early Years practitioners. The aim of this initiative is that practitioners have to make sure that children are being supported to overcome hardship or to support those who are being neglected, “reduce their level of …show more content…

Practitioners should plan activities that follow children’s interests, make up stories about their favourite cartoon or film character. Get down to the child’s level and ask them what they have drawn and praise the child. The practitioner should use different body language, tone of voice, characterisation when telling a story to the children. Practitioners should be singing rhymes along with the children in order to help them learn new words and also increase their confidence and communication skills. It is important to support children in their phonological awareness to help them understand that words can be broken down into different

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