The Epidemic of Texting and Driving

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Automobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken over the nation in the past years. In today’s society, people have become more and more dependent on technology as everyday uses. How many can honestly say that they have text and driven? How many have had to swerve, stop on the brakes or almost gotten into an accident because of it? Texting while driving is the most common thing that almost everyone has done or seen. The main issue and threat is that people think they can safely type on their phone while driving; while others simply do not think there is any real danger with that act. Today, it is all about convenience; but the cost for this convenience can be very deadly. Studies show that any sort of distraction poses a threat to the safety of drivers, passengers, and the people around you. It is important that our government take action to both add consistency to the laws and punishments for the offenders to prevent this issue. It is also vital that the government provide adequate educational programs in order to spread the message about the dangers of texting and driving. Drivers should stop texting and driving because it will help save lives and be a step towards making the roads a better place. A boy by the name of Michael was rear ended in a car accident by a man who was texting and driving. Both cars were totaled. Michael and his little sister ended up in therapy for six months with a back that will never be the same (“Stories”). A young girl by the name of Allison was texting while driving. She lost control of her vehicle on a curve and landed in a ditch upside down. A lady who saw the whole thing called 911. Allison was taken to the hospital where they found that her... ... middle of paper ... ...d more by educating people on the harmful effects of texting and driving, the judgment of the risk will be enough to discourage oneself to not take part in such action and view them as a negative aftermath. Driving on the road daily with people who are careless and not alert when driving can be very scary. Not to mention all of the distractions that go along and consume one’s attention while behind the wheel. Texting while driving is not worth the price you may pay. It is dangerous and could cost you or someone else’s life. It is illegal and could result in a ticket, fine, or jail time. There are many solutions to this issue. Life is a valuable gift from God that must be used, shared, and cherished. It is so devastating to see life being wasted over something so simple as a text message. Some things in life can wait, because your life is worth the wait.

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