Understanding and Combating Employee Demotivation

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Employee motivation seems to be a constant problem in the working world. It is true, not everyone is going to absolutely love their job and want to do it five out of seven days a week. Everyone has their bad days where all they want to do is just go home and get away from the office, which is okay. The problem with those people that dislike their job every single day, is that their dislike makes them completely unmotivated to work. This lack of motivation can then rub off on other employees in the office and it can be very hard to get people motivated unless they have the desire to be. I have noticed a few employees at my workplace that seem to be having trouble motivating themselves to do their job. This can be caused by many different things, such as: their perception of their …show more content…

People tend to get bored of doing the repetitive, small amount of tasks every single day. I know for myself, I prefer to have a variety of tasks expected of me. That is what helps the days go by quicker and helps to keep my mind focused all day. Those who aren’t given many tasks might feel as if their managers don’t feel as though they are qualified enough to do anything other than what they are assigned to now. That would be a major part of my lack of motivation, if my managers felt that way about me. Job enlargement isn’t always the answer for everyone. Some employees can feel less motivated being given more jobs, especially if the new jobs they are given are ones they don’t like. Managers need to pay close attention to their employees and make sure that giving them new tasks is the right answer to keeping them motivated. As Dr. Fischer stated in his presentation, “Part of having a successful team is giving each task identity and significance,” this helps to make employees feel that their job or task is important, which in turn helps with their motivation

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