Advantages And Consequences Of Cyberbullying

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Cell phones, computers, ipads, and now even watches are being used to attack both children and adults. Cyberbullying varies in each country; however it results in the same serious ramifications. “Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person” (Hirsch, 2014, para. 4). Psychological therapy has proven to be an expedient implement in availing victims and bullies by resolving personal issues. If the same type of help were implemented in online programs, a broader audience, who is struggling with cyberbullying, will be more likely to receive the support they need.
The Cyberbullying Research Center completed a survey of 457 middle school students, which showed 34.4 percent of the students have been cyberbullied in their lifetime (Patchin, 2015). From the same group of students, 14.6 percent of them had cyberbullied others. Consequences of cyberbullying are often overlooked; albeit, they have the potential to result in death. Foody, Samara, and Carlbring (2015, para. 12) provide a chart in their article, A Review of Cyberbullying and Suggestions for Online Psychological Therapy, which lists studies and the following information: researcher name and date, age of group studied, number of individuals in the case study, country of the study, whether the individual is a bully or victim, and the …show more content…

Depression, suicide, paranoia, truancy, and bringing weapons to school are all very solemn issues that must be addressed. Online therapy programs are a fantastic alternative to helping those who do not wish to divulge their dilemmas to anyone. These programs provide similar attributes to those used in psychological therapy which have previously proven effective in assisting individuals. Online services provide better ways to resolve issues and support those who need it from the comfort of their own home, allowing victims and bullies of all ages to seek

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