My Future Education Essay

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G. K. Chesterton once said that “education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to the next.” As a future teacher, this quote accurately sums up my personal experience, and it encapsulates my fascination with education. In a few short months, I will become one of Marian High School’s many alumni, and most of my four years spent in those halls will become little more than fond memories. However, the formation and education I received will remain a part of me “so long as men can breathe, or eyes can see.” One of the most important parts of that formation was the English instruction I received. This education shaped me into who I am today, and laid the base for my future education, life, and career. As a freshman walking into Marian for the first …show more content…

Although reading had always come naturally to me (I scored an 800 on the reading portion of the SAT), I used to inform others that I would rather have someone else do the writing for me, as I was happy simply reading. Unfortunately, that cute line did little to alleviate my writing assignments in school, and so I accepted the necessity of writing, without falling in love with it. During my junior year, I began to truly understand that while reading was my passion, writing was a skill, one that would become even more important to me as I grew. The importance of writing, to me, can be summed in a single word: communication. Writing, in its most basic form, is the distillation of ideas into a format whereby others can come to understand those ideas. Personally, my life “plan” is to become a wife, a mother, and an English teacher. In each of these facets, communication is vital, integral to the role. Although I don’t anticipate writing five-paragraph essays to my children every day, the skill of effective communication taught through writing can only improve my own ability to share my ideas.

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