The Labor System's Impact On Education And Labor Systems

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The education and labour systems have a strong impact on the firm capabilities of the business systems. In the following paragraphs we will introduce the main concepts, identifying the main advanced business systems, analysing the different labour systems and education systems, and showing two examples of contrasting countries where the education and labour systems have shaped the way capabilities are developed.

To start with, in order to analyse how education and labour systems affect organisational capabilities, we will discuss the context in which we will use each of those concepts:
There are three advanced business systems: Compartmentalised, collaborative and highly-coordinated business.
• Traditional compartmentalised is mainly driven …show more content…

In cases like the car industry, blue collar jobs don’t have high reputation and there is a high level of managerial coordination and control, supporting a strategy of low cost and price of standardised outputs.
The generalist system also works well for ventured work systems, such as companies in high technology and biotechnology, because its labour force is mainly focused in graduates and postgraduates, which does not require further educational or training investment, as the formal system has already heavily invested in them. Those companies have shown reconfigurational capabilities, for a competitive strategy of radical, discontinuous innovation.
In contrast, Germany has a strong dual training systems, with extensive cooperation between employers and the educational system that last for many years. The systems has a high degree of “credentialism”, for broader and more flexible practical skills, with standard technical qualification, that are recognised among the different companies. In consequence, in the German work system, there is more integration of formal and technical …show more content…

These capabilities have made companies successful in the strategy of continuously improving products for differentiated markets.
Labour systems
In the US, for the traditional compartmentalised systems, the formal authority is mainly contractual, and autonomy and involvement in decision-making is lower than in communitarian systems. Taylorism is widely used in this system and the automotive sector is a good example of its application, with low delegation of responsibility and standard assembly lines.
The American ventured companies, with venture work system, have special methods to align incentives between owners, management and employees. The companies provide stock options to top managers, as well as junior employees. The focus is on company’s profitability, which is the main objective in market oriented companies, with public ownership and employees with no legal security of their

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