Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Scientific Management

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Freedman (1992, as cited in Thompson and McHugh, 2009, p. 195) shares the belief of many managers and scholars regarding scientific management, or Taylorism: it is “out-of-date and ‘positively counterproductive’ in a ‘world of perpetual novelty and change’”. In other words, the elements of scientific management developed by Frederick Taylor in the early 20th century, the scientific standardisation of work and selection of workers, division and specialisation of labour, workforce training and surveillance based on set standards, and performance-related pay (Khurana, 2009), are deemed incompatible with the modern business environment. However, looking closely at these aspects of work design, it appears that they are in fact comparable to those used today. …show more content…

For this reason, this essay will examine the aforementioned viewpoint by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of scientific management in a contemporary context: it will demonstrate that Taylorism is instead very much relevant to present-day

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