Philosophies Of Early Childhood Education

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Early childhood education types of educational approaches to teaching children. These approaches have been based on a teachers own beliefs and values. Also, the theories and philosophies of many theorists who have based their research on early childhood education. This essay will focus on the three aspects that I find important from my own early childhood education philosophy statement. These aspects are, inclusion in the early childhood education service, the impact of social interactions on a child’s learning, and the importance of providing a safe and stimulating environment for children. I will be reflecting on how my own beliefs and values are connected to the three aspects of my personal statement. Also, linking these aspects to the theories …show more content…

This reflects on my belief that all children should be respected and included in the early childhood centre. The early childhood centre’s curriculum should focus on the diverse needs of all children, and the inclusion of children form different cultures or with learning difficulties. For example, the Ministry of Education (1996) states “each early childhood education service should ensure that programmes and resources are sensitive and responsive to the different cultures and heritages among the families if children attending that service (p.18). Therefore, when working as an early childhood educator it is important to remember the responsibility of providing an environment that promotes the inclusion and equality of all children within the education service. One of the most talked about is the inclusion of children with learning disabilities. This is a very important issue to me because I have family members that have learning disabilities, and I believe that it is important for them to be included into the learning environment. This is why the philosophies of Maria Montessori have influenced my beliefs, since her work has been focused on children with learning disabilities. According to Krogh and Slentz (2001), Montessori’s …show more content…

This aspect is shown in my belief that each child’s own behaviour, actions and knowledge are influenced through social interactions with the world and people around them. The interactions and relationships help promote a child’s development of communication, cognitive and motor skills (MacNaughton and Williams, 2008). Children are able to learn important social behaviours that are needed in life, through playing with others and the development of relationships with adults and other children. Gonzalez-Mena (2011), suggests that during the early childhood years, children are able to learn key social skills that will impact their understanding of how to act in society. For example, children learn how to share, cooperate and respect others, and their belongings though social interaction. Also, children who develop good social skills have higher self-esteem and ae more willing to interact with their environment. One of the most important interactions is between children and their peers, which is an important step in promoting social and emotional development. Children need to have the opportunity to interact with other children in an open observation and then imitation what they learnt as a way to develop new skills or behaviours from how the other children act in situations (Gonzalez –Mena and Widmeyer-Eyer, 2012). The main

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